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BCA x ProovStation: Video Case Study

William Balas

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    Discover Anders Houbak Grønkjær, BCA Operations Director, Scandinavia interview transcription:

    “I work for BCA here in Denmark. We are an auction company which does a lot of different services in terms of remarketing from both auctions to different leading releasing. We do everything between reception of vehicles, we do balloting, we do inspection and of course we store cars as well. That’s why we have this compound- it’s a large logistics center as well as an auction. We have around 30,000 vehicles through here a year. So there’s a lot of movement.”

    Why did you choose ProovStation?

    “What we wanted to do is have an objective opinion of each car and its condition. So what ProovStation could offer is first of all- efficiency which we wanted to look further into and then of course also this objective opinion of each car to make sure that the human eye doesn’t miss anything. So one is, of course, to gain efficiency in terms of how many vehicles we could have through in one day. For a product like ours that needs to go to various different dealers and buyers, we wanted to have a product that really ensures us that- the top level of quality and that’s what’s been kind of the point that we really wanted to explore with ProovStation.”

    Benefits of ProovStation

    “First of all, of course, efficiency, in terms of how many vehicles we could have through since the operation around ProovStation is just driving a car straight through and then it kind of obtains all the damages in terms of pictures and the quality as well. So what we have gained is, of course, efficiency in terms of time- that we don’t have to spend so much time walking around each car looking into the specific damages. Then, what we’ve seen as well is a matter of quality. What the challenge has been for is to gather all the necessary data in terms of interior inspection in terms of equipment. We have now, together with ProovStation’s solution, are getting some of the data from our current system and combining it with the damages that are found with ProovStation so we kind of have it all in one package.”

    Efficiency of ProovStation

    “It’s hard to put a number on it right now since there are some things that are under development right now, but what we see is that approximately, from the system that we had before until the system that we are aiming towards right now, we expect that we would save around seven minutes per vehicle. In terms of efficiency, ProovStation has offered us a tool where we can have all our data and all the data around the vehicle in terms of inspection, collected in one report which we can then offer to both our buyers and our vendors.”


    “We have a direct support channel for ProovStation, which we have been in contact with if we have any issues either hardware or software and things have been solved rather quickly. We are using the tablet as a direct route to the customer service, and we have some fixed contact points which we are using you.”

    Written by
    William Balas

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